
Firefinch is a data and research consultancy that specialises in the African music industry. We offer a range of services to the record industry, promoters and advertising partners, artists and management, venues, A&R teams, and commercial radio.

Africa is the birthplace of music, the origin of global popular music, and the heart-and-soul of much of today's musical landscape. Africa also represents the largest untapped musical marketplace in the world.

Firefinch's strongly quantitative approach to research makes use of numerical data and powerful statistical methods, allowing you to make data-driven decisions in marketing and commercial strategy. From the conceptualisation and design phase, through data collection and analysis to reader-friendly data presentation, Firefinch is your partner in African music industry research.


Understand your audience the quantitative way

While eye-balling an audience or potential market can help move your business forward, relying on numerical data allows for reliable insights hidden from plain view. Describing your audience quantitatively opens up avenues for confident commercial approaches to targeted marketing, social media strategy, and playlisting. Approaching artist endorsement arrangements with data on hand provides a powerful tool for expanding potential revenue streams - whether you are an artist or in the business side of the music industry.

Data on age, income, demographic background, and access to media are all vital to making the most of your audience resources. They are also best understood through numbers. Whether your project is large or small, get in touch with Firefinch to discuss how to unlock the power of quantitative data.


Outsource your research department

With Firefinch, you have a research department in your pocket. From designing research studies to conducting them, Firefinch can provide a complete set of research solutions for your business. We can also conduct traditional research (such as focus group research) on your behalf, or analyse existing datasets that your business may be in possession of. Firefinch also advises on quality and scope of datasets and existing research.


Go beyond description

Factors like age, income, demographic background, socio-economic status, spending habits, music consumption behaviour, and individual musical preferences, all have the potential to impact your commercial strategy. Understanding your audience is the key to success in artist endorsement, market penetration, and radio playlisting. With adequate sample sizes and intelligent study designs, it is possible to go beyond mere description of such data. Predictive models of your audience can be harnessed to offer insights into new market potential.


Contact Firefinch at [email protected] to discuss your project, and open up the African musical marketplace.
